Monday, 15 October 2012

Preliminary Task- Evaluation on my final product

In my media magazine the stories I put on the front page followed typical conventions as they all associated with typical stories you would expect to see in a college magazine. Under the masthead it also has a website to the college and the issue and date of the magazine release. This makes it look professional and shows that it is a weekly magazine. I also changed the colour of some words to differentiate between stories and used capital letters to make them stand out. Conventional magazines do this to emphasise big articles. I didn't follow a conventional front cover photo because I blended two photos together to represent the college as having many perspectives.

My work shows it is aimed at stereotypical hard working students. The stories on the magazine represent this by the article being based on ways you can achieve in the college. You can also know that it is of a teenage age group as the article on UCAS points aren't being aimed to people who are hoping to get into university. The model on the front cover also shows it’s an age group as she has been placed on here because students will be able to relate to her as they have the same role and status within the college.

My main way of targeting my audience is by the offer on the front cover. For college students they will have been told to purchase books to go towards their classes and with not many of them having a job it may be hard to afford it all. This way the student can use the offer on the front. My cover also encouraged people to take part within the college on the debate team. The story on ‘what is acceptable to wear at college?’ This way the college is trying to get people involved and make them feel part of the sixth form.

To design my magazine I used Photoshop. With this technology I changed the colour settings of my picture and I also made them overlap with the opaque tool. The main tool I used on this programme was the text tool, to add writing to my magazine. I duplicated the layer when doing this so I could add a shadow to the articles and the masthead to make them stand out. I also used the quick selection tool at the beginning of my magazine cover so I could copy part of the layer to cover a letter on the masthead, this way it would follow conventional magazines as a lot use this technique. Unfortunately I changed my design so I had to get rid of this.

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