Friday, 22 February 2013

Changes made to contents

After having a review with my teacher through all my contents page she told me that this one looked more professional out of the lot yet she said i had to make some improvements. Here is a before and after photo of the changes made.

However i wasn't please with this contents page as i thought it applied to more indie magazines like NME so i tried to make it a bit more simpler and went with Vibe contents page approach.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Teacher feedback on contents page

My response
My teacher has recommended I change my main photo to a different person, as she is on my front cover and double page spread. However if i do this i will have to change the colour scheme on the front page. I also must add more boxes round it to make it stand out.



Final contents

Strengths: The layout is very good and the photo is very effective and links in with the layout
Areas of improvement: maybe add more photos and fill out some of the gaps
But overall I don’t think there is much you can improve on and it is very good 

Strengths: I like the layout and the colours used, it's neatly set out.
Improvement: Maybe another picture or two could be added to show what else is included in the magazine.
Other Comments: Overall, it looks professional and has a continuous house style, which shows that it's consistent. I also like the logo and the colour scheme.

Strengths: I like the layout and the way the photo is the main focus.
improvement: I like the simplicity but maybe link the picture and text for example I would try making the 'every month' the same colour as her hair.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Sixth edit DPS

Fifth edit DPS

Fourth edit DPS

Third Edit DPS- Different themed article

Second edit DPS (recreation of first)

This is a recreation of my first double page spread.

American title for DPS

I thought about making my double page spread a bit more creative. So i decided i would put the headline in an american flag styled font. Here is how i did it on Photoshop and can be seen on my most recent edit of my previous double page spread. The second post after this.

First Double Page Spread Edit

Adding Accessories

To go with the theme of one of my double page spreads I thought it would be a good idea to add some accessories to my overall image.. Ive done a step by step with pictures to show how it was done
Original edited images without touch ups for double page spread

 Final Image
  1. Boot-
  2. Hat-