Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Focus Group

This is my focus group which i carried out about 2 random chosen students favourite magazine.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Digital mockups using photoshop

This is my digital mock up for the front cover. If this was my real front cover there would need to be a lot of improvements to be made. An important conventional feature i forgot to put on the cover was other articles like cover lines. This is important to making my won sucessful magazine.

Drawn mock of front page

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Chaning hair colour

I decided to copy off this photo with the hair and changed my models on photoshop.


Changing hair colour

To make my photos more conventionally to the genre i though id changed my models hair to make it more crazy and conventional. To represent singers like nicki minaj from this genre.

To make my photos more conventionally to the genre i though id changed my models hair to make it more crazy and conventional. To represent singers like nicki minaj from this genre.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Digital mock ups for: Double page spread, Front Cover, Contents

Front cover
After researching Front Covers of my chosen genre I chose these features to include on mine:
Masthead (Deuce)
Skyline- to grab audiences attention.
Main image- This will be the story my double page spread is about.
Model credit- This will go along side with my main image.
Main cover line/Lead article- Gives the audience an idea to what the double page spread will be 
Other Cover lines- Show other content in magazine.
Pull quote- Contain things like exclusive and buzz words, grab the audiences attention.
Barcode- expected on all magazines.
Date and issue number- To show when the magazine was released and how many magazine were
released before.
I decided to create my cover with similarities like this. The reason for this is because most 
conventional Rnb/Hip-hop magazines follow this structure, therefore my audience would be 
expecting them to be related.


Now I am designing the structure of my contents page, these are the things id like to be featured:
Content title
Dateline- To show release of issue.
A main headline with an image- Shows one of the main article.
Content list- Shows other content in magazine.
Page numbers- So the audience can find the other stories.
Features- Extra’s in the magazines.
Subscription box advert- To advertise for my copies to be sold.
I chose to structure my contents page around this as it looked simple yet professional, which
is more about what we expect RNB music to be like. It also makes it easier for the reader to
find the articles they want to read about. However unlike this cover I added a subscription
offer on this page as every reader will turn to this page after buying this magazine. Therefore 
advertising the magazine so it can add to the number of sales.

Double Page Spread
On my double page spread these are what shall be added to the structure and mock up.
A main image- To show the artist.
Model credit/Artist- So we know the name of artist.
Article/Interview- Contains information from cover page.
Page number- Links to contents page.
Celebrity quote?- Feel engaged with artist.
Headline- Insight on article. 

This double page spread was featured in 'flavour' another typical RB magazine. This followed 
the same idea as the contents page, being simple yet classy and it was all structured
accordingly. It was easy to follow and showed the headline and main image all on when page 
with the article corresponding to it. Therefore I thought it would look professional on my
magazine if i use the same structure.


Photoshoot lea- RnB

Practice photo shoot